Monday, July 11, 2005

Go Giants!
Yes, it was indeed an exciting weekend for me as I got to experience my first major league baseball game. It was soooo cool! The only crappy thing was that the parking was $25! Can you believe that?! The parking was more than the tickets. Even cooler was that the Giants actually won. After the game, we hung out in SF for the rest of the day. What an interesting city. I would never want to live there. It's really cool to visit, but it's a crazy place. God has been teaching me a lot lately. It's actually so much that I don't have time to write it all down. But basically, I've come to the realization that everything I have is His. My time, my money, EVERYTHING is His. And I need to honor Him in all that He gives me. I know it's going to be hard to act on at times, but in the end, I'm happy to do it for Him. Summer is going good so far. I still can't wait to come home. Just to be around familiar faces and places you know? Dude, this morning on my way to work I saw a shooting star! At 4:40am, it was so cool!

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