Friday, August 22, 2008

The Price is Right has Changed
I remember when I was a kid, I would get so frustrated by the things that people would have to bid on in order to be on the show. Like right now, there was a sofa and a supply of muffins up for bid. When I was a kid, those items would have irritated me, but now, I wouldn't mind a sofa and some muffins.
Anywho, I am totally moving to SLO this weekend. My job starts on Monday. I am so excited! Mother Hen and Cherylyn are even going to paint my room tomorrow, pretty sweet.
And, I'm not really in the writing mood right now, so I guess that's it for today. Love you guys!

Monday, August 04, 2008

"Don't worry up your mind, they're only words..."
Sometimes the titles of my blogs don't really make any sense at all. I was listening to this Ryan Adams song called "Words." That's where this title came from. Well guys, it's almost my 25th b-day. CRAZY! I'm serious here. I feel like this is one of those birthdays where I should get presents equal to my age. Like 25 cookies (different kinds of course), 25 kisses ( not the chocolate kind), 25 pennies to throw into a wishing well (at Disneyland), 25 words of love, 25 episodes of Reno 911 (don't judge), 25 bars of soap, 25 bottles of soda (old school glass bottles), 25 yards of fabric, the list could go on for 25 more pages! Aside from the upcoming b-day, there have been events to talk about.
First, the Navajo trip. It was great. It was hard. It was breaking. It was exhausting. I loved it. On the last night of the trip I just looked around at the kids and praised God. These kids are really something. I feel so privileged to be a part of their lives. Kids Club (kind of like VBS) was crazy the first day. But God rocked our world and made the second day sweet. A little girl made me a card that said, "Do you want to be my friend?" It was so sweet. We painted a house, that was fun. The trip was just a blessing all around.
Second, joblessness. The Pasadena job is out. I got a postcard. I was dissapointed, I'm not gonna lie. But God is faithful. I have an interview with Family Care Network in SLO on Thursday. I would love some prayer about that. I hate to admit it, but I'm getting a little weary with the job hunt.

Well, I think that's it. If I get the job in SLO I start on the 25th. That means 2 more weeks of vacay. Horray!