Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Will Ferrell Quotes
Here's the deal. I'm at work right now, and I need to occupy my time with something, so I am going to do a little Will Ferrell trivia. I have enabled anonymous comments on my blog, so everyone can play. Here is goes....
1) "Are you not aware that I get farty and bloated with a foamy latte?"
2) "And son of a vondruke, if I didn't lose your baby."
3) "I'm a man who discovered the wheel and built the Eiffel Tower out of metal and brawn. That's what kind of man I am. You're just a woman with a small brain. With a brain a third the size of us. It's science."
4) "What I thought we were in the trust tree in the nest, were we not?"
5) "It's just like Santa's workshop! Except it smells like mushrooms... and everyone looks like they wanna hurt me..."
I think I'll just do five for now.... Let's see how much you kids love the funniest man alive!

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Forrest Gump
Ok, that man definitely lived the dream. Today I was watching a little bit of the movie over at Michael's and remembered how great it was. If I were alone, I would have totally cried. Let's consider this thought that the character Forrest Gump had a great life. Here are the reasons:
-He wasn't a smart man, but he knew what love was.
-He totally rocked at Ping Pong
-The love of his life (although she died and that sucked) realized how great he was and that she loved him too.
-He made a fortune by keeping his word.
-He followed his heart in every situation.
-He made an impact on the world.
I'm sure there are many more reasons. If you have any, feel free to share them. My point is, why do we make life so complicated? It really shouldn't be. If you love someone, you should tell them. If you make a promise, you should keep it. If you have a debt, you should pay it. If you feel like dancing, you should dance. Ok, that last one was just for fun. But seriously, why not? Alright, I think I'm being a little too hippie for some of you, just my thoughts for the day. :o)
Happy Sunday folks.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The Horror of Childbirth
How many of you out there have heard,"Sure it's painful to give birth, but once the baby is born, you forget about the pain." Ok, so I'm taking lamaze classes with my sister, and yeah, that's a total lie. Childbirth is painful!!!! Spoiler alert.... if you don't want to know the cold hard truth about childbirth, quit reading now. Here is a list of painful and just plain gross things that women have to go through during childbirth:
1)Let's face it, pregnant women gain weight. And after they have the baby, it's hard to take the weight off.
2)Not only do you have to give birth to a child, you have to give birth to the placenta too! Who knew?
3)You know when you're trying to fit a water balloon around a faucet that's kind of big, and the water balloon is too small so it rips? Yeah..... get my drift?
4)Sometimes you push too hard and poop in front of everyone.
5)Two words: Mucus Plug
6)If the baby isn't head first, the doctor will fix that by moving him to that position. Ouch!
9)Loss of bladder control.
10)Awkward positions.
Ok, that's pretty much all I can say right now. Sure, babies are miracles, but let's not deny that they are also painful, and pretty gross, and kind of ugly when they come out. Lord help me if I get pregnant!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Afternoon Delight
Funny story: yesterday I went out to lunch with my dear friends Debbie and Lauren. We went to the wonderful world of Wendy's (or as I like to call it "Wednesday's). When we were ordering our food, Lauren asked the lady if they sing happy birthday there, because it was Debbie's birthday. The lady just laughed, and Lauren said, "That's okay, we'll just have to give her a little afternoon delight." The lady that was taking our orders gave us the funniest look and then said,"Ok....." The literal meaning for the term "afternoon delight" is in fact daytime love making. Hilarious. I still like singing that song though, it's delightful. I'm totally at work right now, good times. It's a pretty quiet day, great day for some shout outs!
Lauren-You are totally going to be the first one to read this because you're sitting right next to me. Shout out to you for not being ashamed of the greatest song ever, afternoon delight.
Tani- I can't wait to hang out with you tonight. You better stay up this time, I even went to bed early last night so I could stay up longer tonight. Love ya.
Farah- A month and a half until you move here! Horray, I am so excited to live with you, it's going to be fantabulous.
Michael- I told my friends at work about the old school words you use, they laughed. I commend you for your word usage.
Parker- I promise I'll sit next to you in Sunday School because we're practically best friends and you know it. If I get a new TV, can you install it for me?
Steph- Hope you have a good weekend. When are you gonna come visit? You can bring your man candy if you want.... :o)
Carrie- Hurry up and come home! I miss you.
Everyone Else-Thanks for reading! Sorry I didn't give you an individual shout out....

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Setting Goals
It's definitely not what you think. Today I set a goal that I would beat solitare at least once, and wouldn't you know it, I think I have beat it about 6 times already, and the day isn't over yet! Kind of a big deal....
Only a couple more months until the lovely Farah and I move in together. I'm pretty excited about it, I think we'll have some good times together, pretty much like everyday. Farah, what do you think about Mason jars for drinking glasses? Be honest. My little sister is graduating on Friday, weird. I remember when she was just a wee babe... my how time flies. Well, this day of work is almost over, maybe I can win one more time. Oh and that movie "The Breakup", horrible. The only thing that remotely redeemed it was the brother who had an acapella group "The Tone Rangers", other than that, the movie stunk, don't go see it. Happy Tuesday!