Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Setting Goals
It's definitely not what you think. Today I set a goal that I would beat solitare at least once, and wouldn't you know it, I think I have beat it about 6 times already, and the day isn't over yet! Kind of a big deal....
Only a couple more months until the lovely Farah and I move in together. I'm pretty excited about it, I think we'll have some good times together, pretty much like everyday. Farah, what do you think about Mason jars for drinking glasses? Be honest. My little sister is graduating on Friday, weird. I remember when she was just a wee babe... my how time flies. Well, this day of work is almost over, maybe I can win one more time. Oh and that movie "The Breakup", horrible. The only thing that remotely redeemed it was the brother who had an acapella group "The Tone Rangers", other than that, the movie stunk, don't go see it. Happy Tuesday!

1 comment:

Fauf said...

I'm really comforted that you hated the Break Up. And I'm SO excited to move in with you too. But what are Mason glasses?