Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Week O' Fun
What a crazy week it has been! First of all, Ric and his friend Steve came and stayed from Monday night until Saturday. It was a great time. I miss living in the same city as Ric. :o(
Let's see.... I saw X3 on Thursday night, that was pretty exciting. I'm going to have to say that my favorite was the 2nd one, that one just rocked. The third one was good, but not as good as the second. Anyway, enough of that. Sacramento was a blast. My favorite thing was soccer and seeing all of my old peeps. Good times. Hopefully I can go back this summer for a little backpacking action/bodega bay. I can't believe my sister is going to have a baby in a few months! I am totally going to lamaze classes with her. Fun fun. Hopefully it will help me get over my fear of child birth. Because yikes, it looks pretty rough. I'm pretty excited right now because today is Wendy's Wednesday and Tani is celebrating with me. Horray!

1 comment:

Fauf said...

Jenn, we will have to start our own roomie tradition: seeing movies at midnight showings!