Thursday, May 27, 2004

I'm sitting here at the computer drinking tea. I love tea. It's so relaxing. I just got off the phone with a lady from Humboldt and I decided to "withdrawl" my application for the fall. So I'm just going to re-apply in the spring. No biggie right? But I feel so weird about it. I don't know why this is such a big deal to me right now. First I'm going, then I'm not. Then I'm going, then I'm not. I just wish I knew what the right thing to do was. And I'm so afraid that I'll do the wrong thing thinking it's the right thing. God has taught me this lesson so many times it seems,"Jen, just wait." And even though it's the hundreth time I've tried to learn it, I find myself agonizing over,"How long? When? Why?" Why can't I just tust Him with this? It's just six months out of however many years I'll be on this earth for, ahhh I just need to be patient! So that's what I'm gonna do, I'm just going to be patient. I'm going to hang out in Santa Maria until December, save up some bling, have fun, and wait...
On a lighter note, I passes statistics! I got an 87% on the final and a C in the class. That's some dirt off my shoulders. :o) And believe me, it was dirt because it was math. Anywho, I better go, I ran out of tea.

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Oh my goodness! I am so mathed out right now! I have been doing equations for 5 hours! I can't remember the last time I was this focused. I have to get an 82% on the test in order to pass the class, please Lord! Help me! I think I'll do okay though. If not, I'm going to be pretty upset... that's a waste of 16 weeks. Oh well. I had to write in my blog before I took my test, just to get some math hatred out. :o)

Monday, May 24, 2004

What a week! Not only did Julie come but so did my friends Neena and Dani. It was so exciting, but I felt like I was on an emotional rollercoaster the whole time. I also got accepted to Humboldt for the fall. But I think I'm going to hold off until the spring. I'm just not ready, in so many ways. So that's the plan. I have to work in an hour, so I'm just killing time right now. I have a Stats test tomorrow that I have to get an 82% on in order to pass the class. I should be studying right now, but I really don't feel like it. I know, I'm such a good student, can't you tell? Haha. Anywho, I guess I better get ready for work. See ya!

Sunday, May 16, 2004

Wow, I am so stinkin' excited right now! My friend Julie is going to come and stay here, in Orcutt, at my residence, for a week! How fab! What else... I went to the Monterey Bay Aquarium on Friday with Rose. I called in sick to work :o) I was so scared to do it, but I did anyway. The aquarium was incredible! My favorite things were: the octopus, petting the sting rays, and the big jellyfishes. Man, I was in awe. My eyes welled up with tears. I'm such a sucker for creation.
So, I perform my play for my drama final on Tuesday. Haha, that will be interesting. I'm nervous. Mainly because I haven't memorized all of my lines and because I'm very frustrated with my teacher. But, hey, it'll be okay. I cleaned my room yesterday, it was so messy. It feels nice to wake up to a clean room. What's even better is that I don't trip over things if I have to go potty in the middle of the night. When Rose and I went to the aquarium, we got lost. So I called there to get directions, we were in Salinas (which is VERY ghetto, I would never reccomend ever going there, ever) and the lady got us even more lost. So I bought a map, but then I couldn't figure out how to use it so I was like,"Let's just go to the Chamber of Commerce." So we did, and then they gave us the right directions and then we got to Monterey. We also ate at Bubba Gump's Shrimp, even though I don't like shrimp, I had a hamburger. It was good. Anywho, I better get some shut eye. Talk to you later! Peace Out yo!

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Man, I've been sleeping in like crazy lately. Lame. I need to stop it and wake up early so that I can enjoy the day. School is almost over, Yay! But I'm taking classes in the summer so I guess it won't really be over. Oh well. Someday, I'll never have to go to school again. That will be a beautiful day! If I'm still blogging then, I'll write about it. :o)
My mom is moving to Idaho. Of all places, Idaho. I'm sad about it. Oh well, we all have to move eventually. It was going to be one of us. And she just did it first. Anywho, last night, before I went to sleep I was thinking about life. I was thinking about the journey that God has taken me on thus far. About the times He has broken me, and pieced me back together. And about the times I have "broken" Him. I thought about that feeling I get right before He takes me on a really exciting adventure like: Hume, making a new friend, going hiking, doing something for the first time, or just spending a day with Him and seeing where we will go. The fact is, although it has been a very rough journey and my soul has many scrapes and bruises from it, I find myself dwelling more on the excitement rather than the pain. This is a big change for me. Usually, whenever I look back on life I'm filled with sorrow and pain because I know who I really am and how I hurt Jesus so much. But recently, I've just been able to say,"Thank You." I know I've hurt Him, but He's bigger than that. He looks past it, and looks on me with love. And now, I can finally see that. And I'm so excited for what's to come. Even with the scrapes and bruises that are in store for me, there's always an adventure to share in.
So, yay for God!

Sunday, May 02, 2004

Oh yeah, another hot day in the neighborhood. I'm eating bubble tape gum right now, it's the best! You know how I've been wanting to get ice cream from the ice cream man? Well, yesterday I was a Tani's house and I heard that sweet music. It was like the voice of an angel. So I listened and was able to determine the location. I chased that truck or a block and finally got to the window. You want to know what I got? A ninja turtle ice cream with bubble gum eyes. It was better than I imagined it would be. Anywho, I'm gonna go for the night. I'm watching Message in a Bottle, it's a tearjerker. :o(