Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The Horror of Childbirth
How many of you out there have heard,"Sure it's painful to give birth, but once the baby is born, you forget about the pain." Ok, so I'm taking lamaze classes with my sister, and yeah, that's a total lie. Childbirth is painful!!!! Spoiler alert.... if you don't want to know the cold hard truth about childbirth, quit reading now. Here is a list of painful and just plain gross things that women have to go through during childbirth:
1)Let's face it, pregnant women gain weight. And after they have the baby, it's hard to take the weight off.
2)Not only do you have to give birth to a child, you have to give birth to the placenta too! Who knew?
3)You know when you're trying to fit a water balloon around a faucet that's kind of big, and the water balloon is too small so it rips? Yeah..... get my drift?
4)Sometimes you push too hard and poop in front of everyone.
5)Two words: Mucus Plug
6)If the baby isn't head first, the doctor will fix that by moving him to that position. Ouch!
9)Loss of bladder control.
10)Awkward positions.
Ok, that's pretty much all I can say right now. Sure, babies are miracles, but let's not deny that they are also painful, and pretty gross, and kind of ugly when they come out. Lord help me if I get pregnant!

1 comment:

Fauf said...

Adoption is looking better all the time! You are pretty brave just to go to the class. Now I think I understand why the wife gets the prettier and much more expensive engagement ring!