Sunday, April 30, 2006

Back to High School
Today Michael and I were discussing what it would be like to return to high school as the people we are now. If I had the chance, I definitely wouldn't want to go back to high school, but if I absolutely had to- here's what I would do differently....
-ditch class at least twice a week
-have more confidence
-pay attention more in Spanish
-participate in PE
-not have a job
-do crazy things all the time
-go to every dance
That's all I can think of right now. Anyone else have anything they would do different?


Fauf said...

My high school experience was ideal: I got to sleep every morning till 8:30, got to go to class in my PJs if I wanted, do my work on my bed, eat lunches from home, and NO homework!

(I was homeschooled!)

Ashley said...

I would do my homework and wouldnt worry so much about what people thought of me. Im pretty sure I was way insecure about everything..and that really messed things up for me.