Friday, April 27, 2007

Banana Splits
Today at work, my boss bought us all the fixin's for banana splits. And oh my goodness, they are soooo good! I think the last time I had a banana split was when I lived in Sacramento, I forgot how beautiful they were. Well, it's almost that time, I need to face it, my roomie is getting married. I'm happy and sad. Why Lord, why me? Just kidding. :o) I am not comletely sure what I am going to do when I have to move out, but I'm praying and asking God to show me VERY clearly (because I'm a little dumb sometimes) what He wants me to do. What a concept... You know, I think that's all for today. I'm so captivated by the banana splits that I can't think of anything else to write about. Love you guys!


Anonymous said...

I wouldnt worry about it. I went to work today and I was bummed cuz I was hungry. Not too bad but I was wanting some food right? Anyways like within 45 minutes to an hour a lady comes by selling tamales. I was like yes food. So if God will deliver me food when I need it Im sure hell show you clearly what and were your to go. :( now I want a banana split though... lame.

Steph said...

Wow that's cool your work does stuff like that for you. Sounds like they do a lot to say thanks. We rarely get stuff, even then it's got strings attached, so all I can say is, lucky!

Oh and like I said, if you ever feel inspired to move back up this way, you got a room here at my place. :-)

Carrie said...

I will be praying for you, Jen. God will provide...He always does!
Keep me posted as to what happens.
Love you! :-)

Anonymous said...

WHy Lord, why me? I never cheated on my roomie!