Sunday, November 07, 2004

Rain Rain Don't Go Away
Yippidey dooh dah!!! It's raining, and it's beautiful. We even had thunder and lightning. I'm off work today, it's been very nice. I woke up very happy, then went to church. That was great times because the band did one of my favorites- "What a friend I've Found" then Sunday school was good because there was some depth to our discussion and I was challenged. After that, I went out to lunch with Rose and then to Target, it was splendid. Then I drove home where I am just sitting here, doing nothing. Doing nothing has never felt so good, I'm telling you guys, this is great. In about 2 hours, I'm gonna head up to SLO with some peeps and go to Celebration (a college worship service). I'm really looking forward to it, praising Jesus and all- and hanging out with some good buddies. :o)
Last night, I took Harry to the Drive In. We saw "The Incredibles" and let me tell you, great movie. It was so fun, especially for Harry, he was so excited. I remember going to the Drive in when I was little, my dad always took us. He would have to carry us all in to the house one at a time because we always fell asleep. It was classic. I miss those times. I guess I'll just have to relive them when I have children of my own.
I must say, my heart is growing more attached to this place. It's just because everything here is so familiar to me. And when I leave, I have to adjust. Dare I say that I might be a little scared? (don't tell anyone) I am so thankful that I'm not going alone though. Jamie and Crystal will help a lot. They're my little tokens of home. :o) Well, I'm going to continue my time of doing nothing. I hope all of you are doing well and that God blesses your rainy (or sunny) day.

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