Saturday, January 01, 2005

Another Year...
Another year has passed, another year is ahead. How about that. Now all of the mistakes or regrets you had in 2004 can easily be reconciled in 2005. Isn't that nice? I just think it's funny that just because the calendar changes, all of the sudden our lives have to too. Everybody gets into the "resolution spirit" and January 1st is suddenly that push they needed to stop or start doing something. Why, why is the New Year such a huge deal? It's like instead of living for each day, we're living year by year. Don't get me wrong, I have been known to get caught up in all of the "changing". In fact, my slogan for this year is "New year, new life"- symbolizing all of the changes that are taking place in my life this year. I just needed something to write about I guess. The times they are a' changing so get on the bandwagon and make your resolutions kids. :o)
That said, Happy New Year!!!!!

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