Wednesday, January 26, 2005

First Day of "Real" School
My first day at the University was definetley something to remember. It took Crystal and I 40 minutes to get to school, it's only 5 blocks away. Traffic was HORRIBLE. Needless to say, we were a half an hour late to our first class- which we have together. When we got to our classroom there was a sign on the door that told us to go to a different classroom, in a different building. So at 9:35am we walked into an empty classroom and were told that our class was huge and we would probably have to stand. We grabbed our syllabus and left. I just started laughing. When I walked to my next class there was a sign on the door that said "cancelled- teacher ill". So I walked home. 2 classes down 3 to go... After lunch I went back to school. Wanna know the rest, call me!

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