Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Volleyball and stuff
Last night, Crystal and I played volleyball at this gym with our friends. We've played there before and it was way fun. So we started out and I just plain sucked. Seriously, it was bad. After we lost a game, this team challenged us but they only had 4 players. I decided to spare my team from any more anguish so I traded myself. As soon as I walked to the other team's side, 2 more players joined. I stayed on the team where I didn't know anyone. My skill level didn't change and people were getting irritated with me. This one guy was especially mean. It was ghetto. So I guess you could say that I didn't have a very fun night. When I got home, I started thinking about all of the stuff I thought I was good at. Like volleyball. I thought I was good- but I'm not. And soccer- I thought I was okay, I suck. The I started thinking about other things and it was sad. I just decided to sleep it off.
The Lord heard my cry and encouraged me today. In one of my classes we watched this video with this motivational speaker. He was very enthusiastic and compassionate. The whole video was about how every person is important and we can all teach each other something about life. I guess I was just extra emotional today because I almost started crying in class!! I knew that God let my teacher play that video today (because he wanted to show it last week but the VCR was broken) so that I could be encouraged. I really was too. I learned a lot in my classes today, that was very exciting. And to top it all off, I got to ride my bike to school!! It was even sunny and warm!
Emotions are so weird. Sometimes I get really annoyed by them and the timing of them but I'm glad I have them.
"If I had the choice between pain and nothing, I would always choose pain."-William Faulkner

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Oh yeah, emotions are crazy and weird. There are so many different stages of emotions. I'm glad you were encouraged the next day and I think you play volleyball fine especially at the beach! Love you!