Sunday, February 27, 2005

A Day of Rest
Everynight, before I close my eyes, I thank God for what He is doing in my life. He is so full of surprises and I am loving that quality about Him! Whenever I expect Him to do something, He does the opposite and even better than what I had in mind. I really enjoy living here, and although I am frustrated that I don't have a job yet, the time I have had "off" has been so awesome! I have been blessed with friends that are totally rad, they even remind me of some of you, which is so cool. And I am loving school! I never thought I could find this much satisfaction in school. Don't get me wrong, I definitley dread getting up in the morning, and I also dread my archaeology class, but as soon as I get on my bike to ride to school, I get so excited! I really do learn something new everyday, and I enjoy coming home for lunch and relaxing. I am so glad I am in Sacramento and not at Humboldt. I am so thankful that my plans didn't work out, and that God's did.

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