Sunday, December 25, 2005

I love gifts
I love giving them, and I love receiving them. I must say, I got some pretty awesome presents today. Here is a list of them:
-A ball that makes ice cream when you toss it around (ideal for camping, yay!)
-A bigger memory card for my camera
-Money, always a great gift
-One of those wax sealing things for letter, it's awesome
-A mosquito net thing for my bed, totally cute
-An amazing craft book that has some marvelous ideas in it
-A game called "shots and ladders", need I say more?
-A necklace, I am a girl and I do like jewlery
-A really cute purse with some body shop stuff in it, I love it
-And the greatest gift- getting to spend Christmas (and Christmas eve) with all of my families!

Christmas definitely snuck up on me, and now the year is almost over. Oh no, I am starting to feel a little sentimental.... well, I'm just saying, I feel like I did a lot of growing this year. NOt only spiritually, but just as a person. Insane. That said, good times this year. And good times next year! A toast- to life!

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