Friday, December 08, 2006

It's the besssst!
I would just like to announce that I have a 3, yes 3, day weekend! It all starts at 5:30pm today. The best part is, I don't have anything planned. Well, except for babysitting my nephew tonight, but that doesn't count. What day am I most excited about you ask? Monday. I'm no sure why, but I know that it's going to be magical. It might even be the day that I magically get all of my homework done on :o). Let's see, what else is going on.... Oh, Gilmore Girls. That show is amazing. I always used to make fun of people who watched it, but I am happy to say, it's a great show. It's even funny! I just thought of something I can do on Monday! Get my haircut. Don't judge me, but it has almost been a year since I last cut it, I think it's about time. Well, looks like that's all I have for today. Hope you guys are doing great and that this season is filling you with wonder and magic. :o) Shalom!


Carrie said...

Jen, that is totally awesome you have a three day weekend!!! I hope those days will be magical for you! I love you and I miss seeing you.

Fauf said...

You did have something else planned: celebrating my engagement! Which by the way, will last seven months.

Anonymous said...

You know, a ham sandwich is pretty cheap. A ring and a wife is not. I think i will stick with subway.

Ashley said...

Have fun on your 3 day weekend.I hope its everything you hoped for! How is your nephew doing by the way?