Tuesday, December 25, 2007

You know, I started the day not completely jazzed about Christmas. I mean, I had a great night last night at the Christmas Eve service and it helped me to focus, but when I woke up this morning, all I wanted to do was sleep in. It's Christmas! Well, I hate to say it, but I opened this gift that changed my day. It's this necklace that I hinted to Mother Hen about and she gave me the impression that she forgot about it. Turns out, she remembered. Yeah, it's beautiful. The most beautiful thing about it though is that the woman who makes the jewelry donates all of her proceeds to help get people clean water in Africa. Love it. I got some other pretty cool gifts too. But the greatest present really is Jesus. I had so much joy opening that necklace, but the present of love and grace and forgiveness and all of the other things that are only possible because of Jesus are pretty much the most amazing things ever. Ever.
I hope all of you had a blessed day and that your thoughts turned to the real "reason for the season." Merry Christmas, love you guys!

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