Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I Know, it's About Time
What has happened in the life of Jen in the past month or so? Well, let's see.... right now I am house sitting. Not literally though. It's weird because I house sat for the same couple about 7 years ago. A lot of things were different back then. Geeze it sounds like I'm old when I say "back then." But seriously, I had just graduated from high school. Now I just graduated from college. It took me long enough! I'm going back to work a week from today. Bummer. I'm sure it will be exciting for a while because I really do miss all of my friends there. Although I graduated, I still have finals and such this week. It feels like it's never ending. But it will end, next Tuesday. That's a big day for me.

Austen and I went to Magic Mountain on Friday. It was great. Proving that a lot has changed in 7 years, we left the park at 4:45 because we were done. Hilarious. Back in the day I would have stayed until it closed. I think I'm more of a Disneyland person now. I can hear your gasps now... :o)

What else? I almost lost my life to a rattle snake at the Heath's. Ok, that was kind of dramatic, but it was coiled up and ready to strike. Praise the Lord that it didn't bite me. It suffered a cruel fate about an hour later when Maury shot it a couple of times. I still have the picture in my head. I was talking to a friend today about life. God is so good guys. Seriously. I know that the hormones are making me extra emotional but in real life, hormones aside, I just cry tears of joy for what God is doing in my life and in the lives of my loved ones (by loved ones I mean all of you). Even amidst tragedy like the earthquake and the cyclone, God's hand is so evident. There is so much pain in the world, but so much hope too. Here come the water works....

It's almost summer. I'm excited about that. Even though I'll be working without a vacation, I still love the weather and the kick back attitude everyone has. Bring on the sno cones and water balloons!

Well, I'm sure I could write a lot more. But I kind of don't feel like it. Still in vacay mode (short for vacation in honor of Feb). Love you guys! Happy Tuesday.


Anonymous said...

I've been checking your blog frequently and I'm so glad you've posted. I'm happy that school will be over for you soon, it's such a relief to be finished. But then you could be like me, and never get tired of it and keep going back :O)
You encourage me to love God even more. Have a wonderful Thursday.


Ashley said...

I think that we have all lagged on the blog thing. no worries. I did finally post one though. so check it out. Im glad you are doing well, I miss you. lets hang out.

Anonymous said...

Just read everything... ya im behind on the times... heh... ANYway good to hear that your alive, even though I didnt know about your trying to die... You wernt sucsseful, so THATs good. I just thought that you had school or something. I would have visited you, so imagine a good visit and put that to memory. Cuz I was totally there... And biological family is overated anyway, so good on ya! I mean Ive learned more from my parents then from what my parents ever gave me, so it MUST be more important.
