Thursday, September 04, 2008

I Would Just Like to Announce....

The Pumpkin Spice Latte has returned!!!!!

I went to Sbux on my lunch today and there it was... the sign I have been waiting for all year. I could even smell a hint of it. But alas, I do have self control and am waiting for the perfect moment to indulge in my favorite fall beverage. It just doesn't seem quite like fall yet. But when that day comes, my heart and my senses will be happy. :o)


Amandolin said...

hi jen!

how are you doing??

this is amanda btw, its been a while

Unknown said...

Unlike you, dear Jenn, I do not have self control & even though it was near 90 at 10 a.m. in Paso I indulged in a hot pumpkin spice latte! I think I was in heaven!

Cindy said...

I just surprised Alyssa at the bank with a pumkin spice latte. I even bought one for her friend but she was not working so Alyssa got two of them. I am a carmel machiado(?) girl myself.