Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Too Nice
Sometimes I wonder if I'm too nice. I mean, I like doing stuff for people, and I'm pretty patient most of the time, but does my niceness give way to people taking advantage of me? I know that I definitely don't want to be mean, but maybe I don't want to be too nice either. Hmmm... not really sure where this is going. On Thursday I am seeing Harry Potter at 12am at the IMAX in San Francisco, I'm pretty excited about it. I didn't go to school today, that was nice. I stayed in bed 'til 12 and then got up and lounged around for a bit. I watched the movie "Ed TV" it was okay, nothing to write home about though (I love it when people say that). A fun fact: we have about 12 boxes of cake mix/brownie mix in our house right now that we are trying to use before we move. So, we are pretty much baking like maniacs. I am going to be sick of brownies by the end of this year. Anywho, I think I'm pretty much done with my babbling. I miss you guys!

1 comment:

Steph said...

When I started to read this, I had to do a double take. I thought I clicked on my own blog! I wrote something kind of like your first thought last Oct. You're not alone in that feeling trust me. For what it's worth, I appreciate you and think you're super awesome and hope you weren't referring to me here. :-)