Monday, November 14, 2005

Lemon-Lime Airborne is Disgusting
I am starting to get sick. I don't want to get sick, so I decided to go to Walgreens to see what I could find that would prevent an further sickness in me. I found Airborne. I had heard of it before, and all of the reviews were good, so I decided to give it a try. And lucky me, they even came out with a new flavor, lemon-lime. Yum. I dissolved the tablet in water like the directions said to do, and started to drink, nasty! It was sooooooooo disgusting. But, alas, I still didn't want to get sick, so I told myself that I would follow the directions and take it every 3 hours. I am sorry to say that it didn't work out. I just couldn't drink it anymore. So, I am getting sick. No ifs ands or buts about it. And this week is crazy. I have a test and a presentation on Thursday. I can't wait until this week is over. But most of all, I can't wait until next week, when I come home. I am counting down the days. I love Thanksgiving.


Carrie said...

no way Jen, I have that stuff too but i haven't tired it yet. oh dear, i'm probably not gonna like it either. i'm sorry you're getting sick. that's no fun. so what day are you coming home? i'm done with school tuesday night. Peter comes wed night. can't wait to see you!! you get to meet Peter, too :-) thanks for the comment...
love you,

Steph said...

That sucks. Try sticking the tablet into some Sprite, it helps with the taste. Zicam works well too if you need something more. Buy some zinc too. Trust me load up, I work around little booger machines everyday, and it works.