Goodbye, Ruby Tuesday
I had been anxiously awaiting my final class schedule for Chapman. I checked on-line everyday to see if it was up yet. Not only that but I wanted to be able to plan the 3 Hancock classes I need to take too. The schedule went up on Thursday. My heart sunk when I saw that my Chapman class is on Tuesday nights. What in the world? It was just this past Sunday that I looked around the room in Sunday school and said to myself, "Man I love these kids!" Not only that but James was talking about how he gets so energized on Tuesday nights that he can barely sleep that night. Honestly, I feel like that a lot. And now instead of hanging out with some of my favorite people in the world for 4 months, I get to sit in a class for 5 hours. Woe is me! Just kidding, I'm not that distressed. But I am honestly seriously bummed out about it. I know God is in control though and that gives me some peace.Other than that, well, it's almost Christmas. It's almost 2008. Wow. Some exciting things happening in 2008. I'm graduating, I get to quit my job and find a new one, I get to see what God will do in my life, sounds good to me. I guess I'm at a loss for words right now. Weird. Love you guys.
What a bummer it's on Tuesday nights! I'm very bummed for you, but hope selfishly that this means you are free on Wednesdays for some other Bible study in town...
do you like cats? I can't remember. I think you need a cat.
You want to quit Coast? Why in the world? you are going to become a cop arent you? you totally should
Embrace it. You are coming to the Young Adult's Group. You know you love us!
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