Friday, April 30, 2004

I had a dream last night, here it is:
So I was outside of my old house that I used to live in with my brother, sisters and mom. But I lived with some other people in my dream. I didn't really know who they were, even in my dream. I was tossing around a football with this guy and little girl. And the little girl called me mommy. She was probably 4. It started getting dark so we went inside. The little girl went and sat on the couch to watch T.V. Then I just stood still in the dining room and tried to process where I was, and who I was.(I didn't even know in my dream). So then I went up to the guy that I was playing football with, and said,"Are you my husband?" And he smiled and said,"Yes." Then I got choked up and said,"I love you." And I asked him if I could kiss him. He started laughing, and then I kissed him. It was so weird becuase afterwards he just stared at me. It was like he realized that I was dreaming and that I really had no idea where I was. It was so weird!

When I woke up this morning, I woke up with tears, not only because of my stupid sunburn, but just because God is so rad! I am so thankful that He has a future for me and I can't wait to unwrap it. :o)

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