Monday, June 28, 2004

Backpacking was ridiculously incredible. I had one of the best weekends of my life. Everything worked out perfectly. I went with Zach and Kyle. When we got to Yosemite, we weren't actually sure if we were going to be able to go backpacking since Kyle had called and the park said they were pretty much full. So we go to the little wilderness center to see if we could get a pass to go to half dome and guess what! There were only 3 spots left! And there were 3 of us... isn't that amazing? That was such a God thing (contrary to Zach thinking is was just a coincidence). So, our adventure started. I'll spare most of the details and just tell some of the funny/meaningful parts: I had my first bloody nose(2 of them), the guy who camped next to us looked like Sting, Zach almost touched a bear, Kyle had the most rank farts I have ever smelt, we made it to the top of half dome, I discovered that my love languages are acts of service and gifts, and one of the rangers at Yosemite that was on the same shuttle as me went to Humboldt. Dudes, it was such a great trip. I got to know Zach and Kyle better, but best of all, I got to know the Lord better. It's so easy to feel His love for me when I'm sitting on the top of a mountain. He is so good.

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