Friday, July 02, 2004

So, I dyed my hair last night. It's pretty cool. It totally looks unnatural but whatevs. Karate Kid is on right now, oh yeah! I can't believe it's almost the fourth of July. I love this holiday. It's a time for BBQ, slip n' slides, fireworks, lemonade and good times! I can't wait until Sunday! My mom and sister moved yesterday. Pretty weird, I tried not to cry. What is with this week? I guess the moving bug is in the air. I saw Spiderman 2 on Tuesday, and you know, it wasn't all I wanted it to be. I found myself wanting it to hurry up and be over with- sad. I mean, it was worth it to see Tobey Maguire's cute little face for 2 hours, but seriously, what the heck was up with that sick robot thing? I just wasn't into it. Anywho, it's time t get ready for work... peace out!

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