Thursday, April 14, 2005

An Update Before Bed
Considering I have to wake up at 4am tomorrow morning, I gotta make this fast. I still have to do my taxes. Ugh. I owe money so I promised myself that I would wait until the last minute to do them. I sure kept my promise. I had a sad day at school today. By the end of the day, I felt really dumb. I felt inadequate and uneducated. I feel a little better now, but it just sucked. That's all the info. I have for now. I'm tired. Night guys and gals.


Shanaynay said...

I'm sorry your day was not good, but I just want to say I was really glad to see you last night. I hope today goes much better for you and that those pesky taxes won't get you down. Later Acorn. ; )

Carrie said...

Oh Jen, I'm sorry you didn't have a very good day yesterday. I know you are one smart girl so don't let those teachers and people tell you otherwise!! I love you and I hope you're having a wonderful day today!!

Michael said...

Ok... Let's talk about dumb for a moment. Dumb... D-U-M... Anne... Remember her? Come on I miss her. But seriously dumb is going to see Sin City after a very good source told you not to ever see it.

Jenn... You can blow. Glass that is.