Thursday, August 12, 2004

Changes. That's the word of the year I guess. I once thought of myself as someone who needs a lot of space, someone who likes to be alone rather than with people. Now- I'm sure, that's not me. Don't get me wrong, I need alone time, but I need people too. So- I think it's safe now to say- Humboldt is out. Sacramento is in. Lord willing, everything will work out smoothly, and in the Spring- half of our college group will be moving to Sac. Melissa, Crystal and I plan on moving in together. I'm very excited about that. And David, Kyle, and maybe Vinny are going to be there too! I'm excited about making new friends, and getting my degree and all, but I'm excited about still being able to be around the oldies. And having an apartment with 2 of my good friends, now that's just awesome! We can go out together to the clubs, we could go hiking, and river rafting, snowboarding, it's going to be so much fun. We could even share each other's clothes. Yay! Anywho, that's what's going on with life. Good times, mysterious times, changing times.....

1 comment:

Steph said...

Yah, you decided Sac was in, cuz now we're awesome friends! :-)