Monday, August 16, 2004

Happy hour is upon me. I have turned over a new leaf in life, I'm 21 years old. You heard it here first, I'm a 21 year old U.S. citizen. (I don't know why I added that part, I guess I have Olympic fever). I must say, it has been pretty interesting being introduced to the drinking world and all. I'm feeling new feelings, meeting new peeps, and I can get into any place I want. It's awesome! A bunch of people are over at my house right now, it's cool. We're watching the Olympics. Anywho, I got some flippin' awesome gifts today.... some beautiful dishes and silverwear, some food, a truth or dare dartboard, a Route 66 boardgame, and..... are you ready for this one.... a refrigerator!!!!!!!! I am totally serious, I can now have the comforts of a kitchen in my very own bedroom. I even have stuff to put in it, compliments of Austen. Stuff only people 21 and over can have in their possesion, if you catch my drift. And a bunch of people called and told me happy birthday, that was totally bomb too. Yay! I love birthdays! I love presents, and I love friends!!! Happy Birthday to me, thanks for making it so special everyone. I love you guys so much!

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