Thursday, August 31, 2006

I am going to be an auntie any day now! I am so excited! I hope he's cute, I'm sure he will be. You guys better lie and tell me he is even if he isn't. I didn't have to work yesterday, it was beautiful. Today, this lady at my work told me that I'm single because I sing all of the time! That's a lie, I don't sing that much. Haha. But seriously, I'm looking for a guy that I adore more than food. So, if you can make me happier than a warm chocolate chip cookie, hit me up, we'll talk. Don't think that this is going to be easy, I really love food. I bet my nephew is going to love food too. I should start feeding him a meatball sub as soon as he exits the womb. Haha. The flying duchess is still afloat. In fact, thar be a garden sproutin soon on the deck. We wenches know how to make a ship a home. :o) Have a happy labor day all! Hey, maybe my sister will have her baby on labor day! That would be hilarious!


Anonymous said...

You are hilarious! And you do sing alot, but that's not the reason you're single. You're single because God is taking His beautiful time picking out just the right guy for you. It's gonna take time to put together a guy that you'll love more than food! So give God a break!

Steph said...

That lady is a dork. I think you're singing is awesome. I love how you bust into tune at the mention of a word that reminds you of a certain song.

Anonymous said...

Hey girl, That lady does not know what she is talking about If I was single I would let you sing to me all the time! LOL!! Anyway I know that your little nephew will look great I mean come on he has already got the best nick name!!

Take Care! A.J.