Tuesday, July 11, 2006

I Cheated
I totally screwed up my diet guys. Not only did I eat ice cream last night, I had Wendy's for lunch today, and I am about to consume yet another bad substance. Somebody needs to get over here and slap me! Ok I think I'm done.
You guys are pretty much hilarious. I assure you all that I am fine. I wrote that poem because it was just something I have held onto in my heart for a while, and now in my eyes, the letters are gone. I'm over it. I don't feel like writing it all out so if you want to know about it all, just ask. I don't have to work tomorrow, this is a very exciting fact. My plans? Nothing really, which is great. Tonight was my last lamaze class with my sister. It ended pretty good, I think all of the future parents learned a lot, I was pretty much just scared out of having kids.
Last night I bought a couple of episodes of The Office off of ITunes. If you haven't seen that show, you need to. It is pretty amazingly funny. Here's a quote from it: "I can raise and lower my cholesterol at will." "Why would you want to raise your cholesterol?" "So I can lower it."
Here's another one, just in case you're not completely convinced: "Statistics show that most office gossip happens around the water cooler. That has me at a disadvantage because, I bring my own waster to work." Come on, that's some funny stuff and you know it!
Ok, I think I have said enough about stuff. Have a good week my friends!


Carrie said...

Jen, thank you so much for your message. That meant a lot to me. Your are so kind and wonderful. Thank you for your prayers and I can't wait to come back and tell you all about it! :) Have a wonderful next two weeks!
I love you,

Anonymous said...

I think I would like The Office. And Jenn, when I move in with you, I will definitely help you with your diet. I'm very good at that...just ask Michael.

Steph said...

You can still eat junk food on a "diet." You just have to learn how much you can eat and balance it out with other stuff. If you deny yourself, you'll hate life.

Oh, and I do love The Office. I agree that show is great. :-)